So, I just joined up, wondering who to talk to see where I fit in and where I might be able to have help to help figure who and what I am. CurrentlyI resemble a 33yo Father of 4 (3 with my wife and 1 from before I met her) who is an unemployed computer tech that can't focus on anything for more than a few months to a year at most, with the exception of D&D style gaming. I always play a spell caster, typically Arcane, and usually end up being one of the most feared and renowned characters in the setting. No real idea where I'm gong other that I felt pulled here when the site popped up on a mis typed google search. So, HI!
Yes it is! It's just that sometimes we get people who are apparently lost and don't realize that this is a forum for people who totally believe in magick.
So what do you happen to know about the occult? :)
Only what I feel. I've had some experiences that can't be explained by 'normal' means. I see things and know things I shouldn't. I caneasily explain things I've never even studied. Here's a couple of examples
1) When I was in 7th grade, I was ridingmy Bicycle to school. I had a city bus ram into my bike from behind. I felt as though I had been picked up and dropped into a yard some 20 feet away. My bike was unusuable ever again and I only had a few scrapes on my knees.
2) In High School, some friends brought a Ouija Board to school. I never had seen one before or heard of them. I was so scared of it, I ran away. Later that day in ROTC, I walked into the classroom early and it was sitting there and some of the kids were playign with it on the teachers desk in the front of the classroom, and a few more were watching from the front row of desks about 10 feet away. One of the 'class clowns' Said "That is so fake. one of you are pushing it around." The door closed and slammed, they kids at teh Ouiji Board jumped back. I watched theplanchette spin really fast in a circle and shoot straight at Josh, the kid who said it was fake, and stab him in the forhead. he started to bleed where the point had broken open skin. They all started screaming at that point and my memory fades as to what happened, other than I KNOW the spirit was never dismissed properly.
3) I told my wife she was pregnant with all 3 kids before she even suspected or started showing signs. I've predicted 4 friends and 2 family members pregnancies.
I'm sure there's more, but the weird seems to follow me. Just like finding this site. I don't what possessed me to look up spells, but here I am. Now I'm a member and wondering why I'm here. (:
As to what I feel; well, Ifeel there are more powerd out there than I know about, and I'd like to learn about them. Ifeel there are things that go bump in the night, so to speak. Ifeel magical and fey creatures exist, though most people can't see them or recognize them. Ifeel people who die can communicate, if roughly and through great strain on both sides unless one is trained, though I know not where to get said training. I feel magic exists and through fear and jealousy has been chastised as evil and forgotten by most people.