You can suck energy from ppl, plant, elements, Etc.
You can also give energy. Im a psi Vamp.
Re: Psi vampirism By: Lonicera
Post # 3 Aug 10, 2012
Vampires don't exist. Just because someone can take energy from others doesn't mean that they are a "vampire." Anyone experienced with energy work/manipulation can draw energy from other living things.
Yes, there might be individuals with low energy levels that leech off of others to gain needed energy, but that in no way makes them a vampire. The better term would be "energy leech," that is what they are after all.
Re: Psi vampirism By: 999Naruto999
Post # 4 Aug 10, 2012
No, Its a Psi Vamp. Ive studyed energy manupulation for 6+ months im not no leach, i dont need to suck energy. you have the wrong idea about this...`
Re: Psi vampirism By: Lonicera
Post # 5 Aug 10, 2012
You yourself said that you take energy from others correct? Thus, if the individual is having their energy drained with no benefit to them would that not then be parasitic relationship? Ergo, you would be an energy leech. I feel individuals use the term "vampire" to romanticize what is actually occurring, when in fact they are not a vampire.
Also, you have contradicted yourself by saying that you are a "psi vampire," but that you don't need the energy. According to the posts I've read pertaining to individuals that believe themselves to be such or by those that have studied such individuals (I remember reading a post my chiron on here somewhere that explained this topic), they actually have a need for said energy.
Either way, your taking energy from someone whether you need it or not. If the individual is receiving nothing in return then you are acting in a parasitic manner.
Re: Psi vampirism By: Nightcreatur
Post # 6 Aug 10, 2012
Just because YOU don't believe in something doesn't mean it isn't rea and doesn't mean you have the right to judge people who DO believe in it.
Re: Psi vampirism By: Lunarunes
Post # 7 Aug 10, 2012
I would argue that they exist. I do not believe that just because you can take energy from someone means your a psi vampire. I believe a psi vampires is someone who needs to take energy from outside sources in order to be strong as far as energy goes and can not generate there own energy.
Re: Psi vampirism By: Lonicera
Post # 8 Aug 10, 2012
Nightcreatur, this site is a public forum to which any member can reply to posts and share their opinions be they in agreement or disagreement with the topic at hand, which is what I was doing. I was not "judging" I was commenting on the information provided.
I'm not saying that people with proper energy production issues don't exist, I'm simply saying that to relate them to a mythical creature or refer to them as such is a bit out of taste. It's also probably why anyone that refers to themselves as such is laughed off of the site.
Whether taking energy from another source as a means to get energy by a need or just because you can - whether done consciously or subconsciously -it is the leaching from said energy source. Even by definition vampire (in this case a psi-vamp) is synonymous with leech.
Re: Psi vampirism By: Lonicera
Post # 10 Aug 10, 2012
I'm not saying that people with proper energy production issues don't exist, I'm simply saying that to relate them to a mythical creature or refer to them as such is a bit out of taste. It's also probably why anyone that refers to themselves as such is laughed off of the site.
By using the term vampire you are misinterpreting yourself, which was one of my points. The other being that taking energy from someone or manipulating it does not mean that you are a "vampire." Did you actually bother to read any of what I wrote?