Find a quiet spot, sit and focus on being comfortable. I mean really focus on being comfortable. Breathe deep and feel your environment without letting your concern weigh you down. Just feel your surrounding. I like the outdoors for that, I can feel the wind, cool or warm air, hear the leafs, distant cars, little nature noises, any kind of noises to distract from my fear, concern. To just feel. This feeling is the power of what I call is real. Feeling this you can go inside yourself and feel a sense of letting go. While letting go ask your guide, the universe, god, the higher power or whomever you usually address to set you free. Fear and the believe in it's power, is what is making a curse real. It takes a lot of faith and inner strength to overcome by simply asking for help this way. Maybe a few repeats but it will work.
I was merely making a suggestion, of course. Please read "Lost in Dazed" by Nash, I found it quite interesting and feel it may give you some helpful suggestions too.
First off there is no gender difference that determines the magic practiced and a man may be considered a witch just as much as a woman, it's merely the term you choose to describe yourself with.
If you feel cursed an effective way of beating it is to cleanse yourself. I would say it's most easily done by a salt bath, literally just a bathe in salt water. Not the same kind as you would normally with soap and shampoo though, you just need to wash yourself in the water (submerging yourself is preferable) and visualize the negative energy being washed away, it also helps if you pray to any deities you may work with to help purify you.
If you've tried cleansing yourself and you still feel cursed then I would suggest that Natural67 is correct in saying that the power of the curse is your belief in it which can be harder to conquer but the method they suggested (meditation) is a relatively good one to help you overcome it.
Try scrying to find the source of your problem and that should help you work from there.
Remember, "there's always something." When you think you've tried everything, keep going because you haven't.
JohnathanG, you seem to be on some good psychotropic substances. Maybe something you should do in your free time. If not, you would most likely be role playing. And while it is good exorcise for a young mind. They do have other sites devoted specially to that particular brand of amusment.
On a lighter note. Good advise. But what is happening to make you believe you are cursed?
why do you feel this way? You need to find out were this is coming from? Have you tried asking? scrying is a good idea or just ask? Meditation also will help, be calm, it'll help you focus. Also spend time in prayer speaking to your Deities. I have a spell if you feel cursed to send it back & break the spell. It actually takes a lot to course someone. PM me if you want it.
Are you certain you've been cursed? And by whom? And what did you do in order for someone to curse you?
Or are you stressed out because of other things happening in your life? I find a lot of times when people believe they've been cursed, they are really cursing themselves in a way, through negative attitudes, self doubt, worry, etc.