
Forums ► General Info ► Healing
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Post # 1
Ive been accepted into a local coven and the highpriestess told me that they need a healer. Ive been into weather magick and runes/charms but i would like to learn healing and i was wondering if anyone had time for a student on this subject. If so please acept me.
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Re: Healing
Post # 2
I wouldn't try learning healing magic just to get a position in a coven you just joined. Coven healers should be very experienced and dedicated to what they do, and that goes for any other roles of a coven.

If you learn anything, learn it because you sincerely want to.
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Re: Healing
By: / Novice
Post # 3
in my coven, every has a specialty, but it was chosen by them, we didn't go 'you need to learn runes and you need to learn faerie magic' each of us were drawn to it.

healing is a broad path, are you healing with herbs, crystals or energy. and if so, what type? trust me, there's tons of options to choose from with healing.

i'm currently doing energy work and have just now started looking into healing with it. i've practiced for nearly a decade, i know a couple basic healing herbs, but i never touched healing magic because of how vast it is. so first you should narrow it down to herbal, crystal, or energy, then figure out what path. like you choose energy, and from there you decide to practice reiki. much easier than studying all three at once.

if you want to learn about healing, but are unsure, i'd meditate on the question, hopefully the answer will come to you. if it does not, read an article on the types, then choose which one you feel speaks to you most.
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