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Post # 1
I had this dream recently and was wondering if anyone can help me to understand what it means. I've only just begun studying magic and I'm not that experienced in dream interpretation. Can anyone help?

I was in a large area with many people, some of which I knew. There was an area where only some people (?) were. They knew how to practice magic and at a certain age, each picked out these large lockets with gold and a different color stone. Each was about the size of your palm. When one of them found a locket that they thought was meant for them, they used their magic to open it. Inside would be a necklace that would specify which element was their element. Only those who could practice magic could open them. I came over once and was curious about these lockets. They kept telling me that I could not open them because I couldn’t practice magic. I don’t remember if I closed my eyes or not, but I had one in my hands. It was a beautiful shade of blue, my favorite color, and not too light or too dark. I concentrated and somehow it opened. Everyone was surprised. Inside was a strange necklace. It was white at the top and either dark or red ish at the bottom. One of them was about to tell me what it stood for but then I woke up.
What does this mean?
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Re: Dream
Post # 2
it seemd to me you have just awakened your magick with in you
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Re: Dream
Post # 3

Dreams are a deeply personal manifestation of your subconscious. Because of that you really are the best source of interpretation. I would say that there is some underlying spiritual choice you have to make. Perhaps the choosing of a path or tradition. These lockets might represent each person's choice. But anyway meditate on the dream and think about it. It is your dream after all you will eventually get a good idea as to what it means.

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