This is another ritual I would like to post for you that I use to bless my magical tools. I think everyone should do this before they attempt to conjure or do any kind of magical work that requires you to use an athame, wand, or a sword. Also before you do this ritual you should have an alter with an athame, chalice, pentacle, wand, and a censer with pleasing incense in it.
Wine (in a chalice preferably)
consecrated water
some pleasant smelling ritual oil
5 black candles
Okay when your ready to preform this rite you need to ground yourself then preform the Lesser Banishing Ritual of a Pentagram and cast a circle which I already covered in my how to summon post. If your not familiar with this you can look it up under coven rituals and it's titled how 2 summon. After you have preformed these two rituals and your ready to move on go to the gate of Earth, raise your arms, and summon the powers.
Come ye, of the Southern Winds, Place of storms and deepest Night, Place of silence most profound, Guard this circle set outside of Time. Acknowledge the purpose of this Rite! Open for me the Gate of Earth!
Trace the pentagram in the Air facing south, visualizing it being fiery blue.
Now move on to the Gate of Air, raise your arms, and summon the powers.
Come ye, of the East Winds, Place of first Sun and rise of Moon, Place of Inspiration, Guard this circle set outside of Time. Acknowledge the purpose of this Rite! Open for me the Gate of Air.
Trace the pentagram in the Air facing East.
Summon the Gate of Fire.
Come ye, of the Northern Winds, Place of the highest Sun, Place of Creation manifest, Guard this Circle set outside of Time. Acknowledge the purpose of this Rite! Open for me the Gate of Fire!
Now trace the pentagram in the Air facing North.
Now go to the Western Gate of Water and summon the powers.
Come ye, of the Western Winds, Place of setting Sun, home of the Island Remembered, Place of Wisdom; Guard this circle set outside of Time. Acknowledge the purpose of this Rite! Open for me the Gate of Water!
Trace the pentagram in the Air facing west.
Take the magical tool that you are consecrating and wipe it all over with consecrated water. Afterwards hold it tightly close to your body and will your power into it. You will then kiss your magical tool.
I am going to use an Athame as an example for this part of the ritual. Where it says blade you can replace it with Wand or whatever tool you are consecrating.
Bringing your magical tool to life:
To cause your magical tool to awaken to the powers of Earth, you will place you tool on the pentacle, raise it up, and say slowly:
By the Dance and in the Darkness By the Door and by the Drum By Enchantment the Eye of Midnight, The Inner Shield I Bid Thee Come!
Wait until you sense the field of energy come over you and then say: The Element of Earth infuse My Blade!
Next your going to infuse it with the powers of Air. By this time your going to need some more incense, so I suggest putting some new pleasing smelling incense in your censer and moving forward with the rite. Hold your Athame or magical tool in the smoke and slowly say:
By the Bridge that spans the River; By the Book the Shadow Tome; By the Breath, The Sword of Wisdom, By Tuatha'n Bow I bid thee Come!
Wait until you sense them, and then say:
Element of Air infuse my Blade!
To cause your magical tool to awaken to the powers of Fire, you will pass your tool in and out of the flame of your alter candle slowly saying:
By the Seed beneath the Snow; By the Finger of the Flame; By the Forge, the power of Shaping; By Stellar Fire I bid thee Come!
Wait until you sense them and then say:
The Element of Fire infuse my Blade!
next your going to awaken your magical tool to the powers of Water. Partially place your magical tool in consecrated water and slowly say:
By the Queen of Ancient Magic! By the Rainbow in the Storm! By the Lake, the Isle Remembered! By Sea of Space I bid the Come!
Wait until you sense them and then say the following:
The Element of Water infuse my Blade!
Next with a lot of intent and will dip your magical tool into your cup of wine and charge it with the concept of conjunctio (symbolic sacred sexual union). Place the magical tool in your lap and drink from the chalice. Afterwards your going to oil your magical tool with the oil you selected for the ritual. Close the circle and extinguish the candles.
After you preform this ritual you should always have your tool wrapped up in a silk cloth when it is not in use. Also by no means ever, Never let anyone touch your magical tool after it has been blessed.
blessing magical tools