I look different

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I look different
Post # 1
Like every day when I look at the mirror....I look a little different than what I look before......(maybe it's my hair)
but sometimes my head looks and feels bigger.....my skin turns pale to dark sometimes.................(again........maybe it's my hair)
oh and my eyes sometimes look different too.......What am I?
A dude who's hair is taking over his life?!
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Re: I look different
Post # 2
.....oh.....ok... but how come no one else noticed this problem I had?
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Re: I look different
Post # 3
because its only slight differences and noone really notices them, i died my hair from almost black to a red-brown once and noone noticed for lik a week........plus if it is a demon he might make it to where only u can see it. and if its just your hair ...... iv actually had days where my hair looks almost black and the the next day it looks light brown
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Re: I look different
Post # 4
I could post pictures of me from day 1 to day 2 to 3 etc. so you can see the change if you want but I'm too shy....cause there are some hexs that require a photo of someone and I'm afraid that someone's out there that joined this site hates or dislikes me :'(
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Re: I look different
Post # 5
You seem like an alright person to me and I don't think anyone here dislikes you but good idea about thinking of that!
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Re: I look different
Post # 6
I think it might be intresting to see the pics but yeah I'll agree with demon.
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Re: I look different
Post # 7
ok then.....how do I get rid of it?
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Re: I look different
Post # 8
Sexy picture you got in there Silver_Doe

I don't think it's a demon,
maybe it's just your body changing.
I'm going to give you my exemple:
-5 months ago, my eyes were blue, now they're green,
-2 weeks ago, my beard was brown, now it's yealow.
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Re: I look different
Post # 9
day 1, I am dark skinned
Day 2, I'm pale skinned
Day 3, I'm back to dark
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Re: I look different
Post # 10
Have a look on this site:

If this doesn't help, maybe it's a demon and you must get rid of him.
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