Imagination and Visualize

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Imagination and Visualize
Post # 1
If you keep imagining something and visualizing yourself doing that, can you achieve it? I have visions sometimes of my dream goal. They have started to increase and become more vivid and realistic. I always try to take opportunities that will move me forward and open the door to my path when I can.
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Re: Imagination and Visualize
Post # 2
I think you are confusing visualization with visions. If you are having visions like you described, that is a possible outcome of your future. Remember, you make your own future by the actions you take. If the visions are getting stronger, it would seem you are on the right path.

Visualization is creating an image inside your mind. Like when you are doing meditation, you visualize a field or visualize a ball of energy.

Visualization-manmade mental images
Visions-possible glimpses of something beyond normal sight.
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Re: Imagination and Visualize
Post # 3
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