What should I do? I don't have any experience in magic and I am afraid if I try to curse her it may backfire on me since I am a beginner. I want to curse this girl who betrayed me, who lied and who spread rumors about me that were not true. She is my own family member which makes me even more mad and she lives 13 hours away. Right now she keeps running away from me because she knows the horrible things she's done and she knows I will show no mercy but if she keeps running like this I don't know how I will catch her so I want to hurt her even when she is far away.
While I could go on a rant about how revenge is a cancer that slowly eats away at you and while it may seem right for a moment it will hurt you in the long run, not everyone believes that way. So the best advice I can give you is in your meditations, call upon the goddess Nemesis. She is the goddess of retribution. See if she is willing to do the dirty work for you.
Re: I really really hate her By: Chaosxbliss / Beginner
Post # 5 May 20, 2013
I know how hard this can be Although, cursing is a bad, bad idea. Like you said, it will backfire, the three times three rule tells us that what we send out comes back to us. If we send out good, we'll get good back times three. If we send out bad, we'll get bad back times three. Curses only end up hurting you more than her.
Personally I suggest the best thing to do is give it up to fate, Let the Goddess of Justice decide what she should receive for what she's done. I often turn to the Morrigan - Celtic warror Goddess who decides fates. Let her take care of it.
Also, if she won't leave you alone, try banishing her from your life. or at least banishing her influence.
Re: I really really hate her By: JIWilliams / Novice
Post # 6 May 21, 2013
I can attest that curses have unforseen consequenses. . They twist you up inside, and they really are a cancer. Forgiving someone has more power to it and it really messes with thier head. However binding spells are not curses and I think they are more productive.
Try to forgive her instead. I know how hard it is, but the deciet she has put about you is repairable and even ignorable. I have been through this multiple times, and you are right, the curse would have backfired. The thing with forgiveness, expecailly in this situation, is that they DONT expect it. So it either freaks them out, has them on thier toes, or they themselves repair the damage they have done. So a curse wouldnt help do any of these things, just make her and eventually you more miresable.