darga is new

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darga is new
Post # 1
I always new there was "something". Now at 40 yrs old I have been led here. I unequivocally believe in magic and believe that I have a power. What it is I do not yet know. I am open to all and to all am open. To equate to the jedi - there is a light side and a dark side but there is also the shadow side - users on the edge of Dark and Light, using them in harmony and achieving a balance such that they follow neither side fanatically. Moreover Shadow Side Force users adapt their Force ability to the situation they are in. THis is how I see myself using magic.
I am grateful to have found this and look forward to learning and contributing.
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Re: darga is new
Post # 2
OK well at the risk of sounding rude.....

way too much Star Wars
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Re: darga is new
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Welcome, darga!

Actually Jediism's a recognized religion in the UK (in 2001, when I quick-googled the sources, but I heard it as news only around two or three years ago. :-P My brother was all "Sorry, Jesus, but they have lightsabers" but he wasn't really serious.)
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