lol idk answer but i argue with 1 of spirits that follows me around a lot lol.. well not lately but sometimes.. i studied to try and pass cus i was stressed..still am kinda and had problems remembering.. i started thinking... oh i wont pass this why did i even come to school today.. :/..
that day i noticed i can communicate with spirits.. i heard this
well you didnt study enough(or something like that)
i said on that.. yeah but... (he stopped me)
and said: NO BUT-s.. (literally yelled at me xD..) and i asked my old friend to ask spirit that follows her if i argue with my mind or spirit that follows me said no but-s..and her spirit started to laugh and said yes he said that XD..
there r some other cases but yeeah x.x lol i have bad habit of talking to myself in mind and spirits can hear that XD well at least 2 that follow me lol i saw my guide only once b4 i could comunicate..its coyote but didnt speak to him/her so idk about spirit guides if they do that..
I've met angels before, but I've never known them to get angry. They are extremely benevolent creatures who enjoy helping humans out when they can. I'd understand them being disappointed, perhaps even sad, but they are smart enough to behave exactly as their duties require and would never do something to distress or offend a human. If they see us as children, then every angel I've ever met knows how important it is to raise a child properly. If you're curious for more, message me.
I would say that your guardian is upset at you for not listening to him/her. Perhaps this is because when they take the time out to help and work with you, they expect some sort of thought or reaction based upon their words. In the past, my guardians have honestly "harmed" me for not listening to them, as well as turned their backs on me until I did what they have asked of me. This is always for my benefit, and so, it is expected.
I think you should talk to your guardian and try to work something out between you two, such as a way for you to prove yourself to them that you will do your best to listen (this is what I have done before), and try to come up with a working relationship between you two. Otherwise, you may be better off working with another aspect of your practice until your guardian cools off and so do you, however the first is a much better option.
Unfortunately I cant not communicate with any apirit or angel lol
I can hardly meditate I am a simple person :P
But yeah there is always a voice from inside, maybe its my guardian angel telling me "Why are you on computer? Shouldnt you be studying now?" "You fought with your friend, now go bake a cake and surprise him"
Have you ever tried talking back to this voice you hear? It could also very well be your conscious, and not a guardian angel, but to learn the difference you would need to experience both over a period of time.
If they will not speak to you anymore, I would suggest doing some of the things they would like you to do normally, such as getting off the computer and studying, or making things right between you and a friend. It sounds like your guardian or the voice in your head wants what's best for you, and what will lead to a happier, healthier life. You may not always like or want the advice they give you, but I've found that whenever any spirit, no matter their origin, gives you good advice that you know is what you should be doing, you are better off listening and doing it than being stubborn about it.
Have been studying like a creep... I still dont remember when was the last I went out or did some partying...
I just feel I didnt study enough, but yeah I always got A grades... its just that I could have done better
And about a friend...did everything I could, but now it is draining :(
Yeah its probably my own brain talking to me... :(