sudden flares of energy

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sudden flares of energy
Post # 1
randomly, I will feel these huge burst of energy, mostly centered in the center of my chest. The feeling almost all ways makes me want to as id call it " scream with out noise". This feeling happens more frequently and with greater intensity durring emotional situations, and the energy feels like it moves out from my shoulder blades, and down the backs of my arms to my fingers when it is at its most intense. At first i was convinced it was biological, but then I noticed that when the flare ups were most intense and if they lasted for a minute or 2, lights would flicker and radios would freak out. This feeling can even happen when just driving. The strangest part is, durring those times, it doesn't realy fell like im... me. Its more like I am watching someone else do it.
I was just wondering what yalls take on this is?
like what this may be, why, and whats with the "watching someone else/ not in control" all about?
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Re: sudden flares of energy
Post # 2
I'm not an expert in the field, but my quick research would suggest, chakra work.

I found this excellent article, on this site :

I hope this helps you.
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Re: sudden flares of energy
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
What you describe is anxiety, except for the flickering lights. I would suggest chamomile/mint tea for it. Now for the other. Take a cleansing salt water bath. When you pull the plug, visualize all the negative going down the drain. Then use protection, like wearing a necklace or ring that you have ready for protection. You can also carry something, like a clear crystal, instead of wearing. These should help. Blessed Be...
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