After looking around a bit on the site, I have came up with another theory; The theory of fusion.
The theory is that 2 beings become one; the result having the strength and personalitites of the fusees. However, if the fusion is with evil spirit the spirit will try to take over the new body and let it take control. You must a strong heart anf will to repel this.
Let me hear your theories.
This most likely will not work, in order for two things to become one 'homogenous' thing they need to be able to fit seamlessly together, they need to be pretty much the same thing. *Doing this with energy, the energy never becomes 'yours' but it is yours to use.* You could never fuse with another person or spirit seeing as there are so many atoms in each person vibrating at different frequencies that it would be near impossible to sync everything up without causing damage.
This is all theoretical and I only have a limited knowledge on this subject, so I apologize if I am incorrect.
Re: Theory of fusion By: AwakeTooLong / Knowledgeable
Post # 3 Jul 13, 2013
Personalities are strongly defined, and they do not easily give up their identity. Usually if two beings inhabit the same vessel one displaces the other. They do not merge, though they may influence one another. Often this results in varying degrees of emotional distress, if not various mental disorders. As was suggested earlier, personalities do not merge seamlessly unless all sense of individuality is lost in both parties. At which point they are no longer what they were, and become something else. There is no strength of heart to repel this if you are seeking to merge - you and the spirit in question must both give up yourself. If any individuality remains, then it is simply two individuals living in the same vessel.
I do believe in some sort of fusion. When I connect to the energy put out from my unborn child, I feel my wife and myself first. I can then recognize the energies of our parents. I believe new children are a fusion of the parents. This may put some reincarnation believers in an uproar, but I ask them to find a pregnant woman and connect with the fetus inside. What do you feel?
Re: Theory of fusion By: AwakeTooLong / Knowledgeable
Post # 6 Jul 14, 2013
That would make some sense. Reincarnation remains viable. While everyone wants to think they're reborn as a human, the spirit readily transcends, or descends, into other vessels and realms of existence.
As nice as it may seem, magick is not Yu-Gi-Oh, or Dragon Ball ...
What you speak of already exists. The closest one gets to your idea is the 4th step in alchemical transformation (Conjunction) which is pretty much fusion of two opposite forces, making a new one with qualities of both. This happens normally in nature, as well as in psychological development.
Because it happens in physics, so it can happen with energies, entities and so on. However, it results in total annihilation of both sides. If only one side is destroyed and integrated into the other, it is not fusion. then it is absorption, and that is an advanced form of energy work.