Need help

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Need help
Post # 1
i am facing unwaranted problem from others where I am employed.They are creating bad name for me and creating all sorts of problem for me. Please help me how to teach them a lesson. please tell me about a spell to take care of such peoples
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Re: Need help
Post # 2
please some one help me...its my sincere request
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Re: Need help
Post # 3
please some one help me...its my sincere request
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Re: Need help
Post # 4
i read of a spell before where you cut a piece of pink tissue in the shape of a tongue, and name it after the gossiper(s) -- then twist it in a knot while you chant at him/her/them to stop gossiping or stop speaking alltogehter.

but i think it would be better to build your own defence like "i'm rubber you're glue whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you" type visualizing, or regular banishing their negative energies by burning sage or sandalwood incense.
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