Please help me!

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Please help me!
Post # 1
It all started at school today I was playing soccer at recess..... A mean kid juped up and tackled my best friend and smashed his face in the snow for no reason... he kept on doing it and then he picked my friend up and smashed his face into the fence and pulled my friends head back untill he couldnt breath and kicked and punched my poor freind untill he seemed dead....... the kid got up and ran away leaving my friend laying there in the snow beaten half to death!!! Of course I helped get the bad kid off my freind and my other freinds helped to but heres a even more bad freind the one thatgot almost killed got IN SCHOOL SUSPENCION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im VERY pissed and I need a GOOD hex and curse for the bully and the stupid teacher that suspended him!!!!!! but the nully got suspended to so PLEASE PLEASE help me!!! cya 4 now.......
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Re: Please help me!
Post # 2
Why don't you guys just don't learn to defend by themselves... grabing, spliting doesn't help, just punch them both, hard on the stomach, balls, face... use your instict

I'll not give you any spell to curse anyone, you're pissed, good, means that you aren't a robot. But the hex may hurt you instead of your targets

Instead there's another solution, you friend is in hospital I presume, his parents should go talk to the school representative. But life continues, if it doesn't killed him, only makes him strong. He was suspended on that school, well I bet there're a lot of more schools were you live.
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Re: Please help me!
Post # 3
umm theres only 5 schools in my area... lol im 10 im in elementry school and i live in the country and i hury the bully to lol....and i dont think i shuld punch my teacher.....

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Re: Please help me!
Post # 4
Rabisu is right, and plus, are you exsperienced with witchcraft?
Karma may come back and bit your ass.
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Re: Please help me!
Post # 5
You shouldn't curse a kid who has no experience in magick just because of that, it may seem wierd not to but the magick would come back to curse YOU! Not because you did a horrific thing to the kid but because the force FEELS like it!
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