
Forums ► Welcome ► Meditation
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Post # 1
Hey, i'm a new person to the whole magic business, and am wondering how to meditate.
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Re: Meditation
Post # 2
Meditation is clearing your mind or focusing. I've heard of many different styles of meditation. Reading is considered a form of meditation, so if you are a beginner and having trouble clearing your mind try that.
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Re: Meditation
Post # 3
how long does it usually take and how much does it truly help?
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Re: Meditation
Post # 4
I always recommend finding a nice quiet comfortable place to sit and then begin deep breathing and relaxing and work on clearing your mind of all thoughts. Usually practice at it 15-20 minutes a day, until it becomes very easy for you and you can do it anywhere than you don't have to do it that often. Meditation is an important part of magick, you should learn how to do it.
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Re: Meditation
Post # 5
thank you both very much for your help. it is highly appreciated!^-^
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