Magic Journal

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Magic Journal
Post # 1

Most practitioners own a journal or Book of Shadows (BoS). They use it to keep not only information about their daily lives, but they also keep it for things they learn not only that. I will place stuff on what you could possibly place in your Journal or BoS. Just main factor you can spend money and by a premade book, or you can make one yourself. Well here is everything you could find in a Journal or BoS;

  • Dates/Times
  • Name
  • Daily Dairy (which means you jot down your feelings)
  • Information (about your cult, or about certain spirits, other paths..ect.)
  • Spells (Usually spells you create go into your BoS, but you might want to test them out before placing them into your BoS or Journal.)
  • Records (If your spells work or not.)
  • Symbols (such as the pentagram (Pentacle)).

Usually people put a curse upon their book after completion or during that only you and those who you allow can look at it or something will happen. You can use any type of paper, there is no pacific of paper you need.

The BoS or Journal hold more power then people can see. Some paths use it to hold information for the next generation (meaning your children). To have them pass on the traditions. Some covens have one book that will be filled up.

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