Me being psychic

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Me being psychic
Post # 1
I'm pretty sure I'm psychic. I want to improve and develop my skills. Are there any other psyched witches or wizards in our coven that can help? Or do you guys have any websites that would be helpful? Thanks
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Re: Me being psychic
By: / Novice
Post # 2
take a deck of playing cards, begin by drawing one at a time. [face of the card away from you] try to visualize or 'feel' the card, sense if it's a black or red card. when you're confident, choose one, then check. record your results. as you get better with this, move on to the suit, then face card and number card, finally the whole card. each time, be sure to record your result. it is a good idea to meditate, drink some psychic tea, or have an item on hand to help you if you need it.

balancing all your chakras will also help. while it's your third eye which brings clairvoyance as well as insight, if you focus on one it will result in an imbalance in the flow of energy in your body, which isn't good. when your third eye is too open and energy is pooling in that one spot, you could experience migraines and hallucinations among other things. balance each one starting at the root up to your crown.

another thing you could try, before starting your day, try to make 3 predictions. don't pick 'will go to class' as it's a common thing. that's not using your sixth sense, like 'fight between jack and john at lunch' something unusual. sit and concentrate, try to visualize a situation, or listen to the voice in your head. this might take a while, so put enough time aside.
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Re: Me being psychic
Post # 3
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