How to write spells?

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How to write spells?
Post # 1
Hey, I'm really very new to the world of spellcasting. I am a healer mainly, but now I want to focus on spellcasting. I have read that using your own spells helps you the most and has better results. Is it really so? If so, how can I write my own spells? Thank you.
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Re: How to write spells?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

I know that many here write their own spells which is wonderful. But I also know that many of you are just starting out and may have no experience in how to create a spell for a specific purpose you might have. I found some great websites that I think you'll find helpful in learning how to create spells for your own specific purpose that are likely to work for you.

Some of these are very Wiccan or Pagan in viewpoint so if that doesn't work for you we can talk about how you could change the spell to fit your spiritual viewpoint.

I would also highly recommend the book "Spells and How They Work" by Janet and Stewart Farrar for anyone who plans to be doing spellwork.

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