I need a favor. I got my mother a ring when I was...oh I don't know...8 or 9. Well, we were helping my mom's really good friend to pack her stuff, since she was moving to Alabama. Well, this was when I was like 11. After we helped Georgett move, that was her name, we went home. My mother's fingers were swollen by then. She was fumbling with her ring, the one I got her, and she accidentally dropped it. We heard it ping off the side of the chair we were standing next to, and we went searching for it.WE NEVER FOUND IT. AND WE NEVER SAW IT AGAIN. I am now 15 and I have been familiarized with magic but I just couldn't do it. I did not have the patience or the time to do anything. Well, Christmas is coming up and I want to find the ring my mother lost so desperately that I have come back to this site for help. I don't have any money to send anyone.I was hoping I could find someone to cast some sort of spell for me to help me find the ring. If you need a description it was a 24 karot gold ring, with the word Mom on it, the word mom I can't remember but it was most likely in cursive, and it had a flower on the corner of the word Mom.
I'm so sorry about your loss, it sounds like it really meant a lot to you and your mother. I don't know of any spells to recommend or that I can cast for you, but maybe you can take my advice: try writing your own spell, the desire of it being you want to find your mother's ring. Or, you can try listening to those little voices inside your head, also known as your consensus or spirit guide, that's what I always do when I want to find something and it works for me and MY mother almost every time. Also, if you want to get even closer to your guide, try to take some time meditating and listening. Surely you'll find something. Blessed be and good luck on your search and may the goddesses help you in your time of need,
Isnt scrying considered a form of meditation? I know this may soumd fluffy to some people but like on charmed where they use a crystal tied to a string and a map of the place they were looking in? What im wondering, if it was me and i drew a map of the room would that work?
im still a begginer but i read somewhere that for lost things and lost people you can call on Saint Anthony for help. try to search for spells and chants to call on saint anthony so he can help you.
When ever I loose things I either ask St Anthony for help (I don't work with Saints, its something my mother and grandmother did) or I divine for their location in smoke or ink in water. I have used pendulums before, they're pretty effective.
Either way, I hope you find this ring, it really would be a great present for your mother.