Confrming shipping addres

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Confrming shipping addres
Post # 1
I have gone through the process of checking out once, and now my order is under the Orders tab, but it says it's on hole because I need to confirm my shipping address. I have no clue how to do that. Can anyone help?
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Re: Confrming shipping addres
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2

You should have recieved an email asking you to confirm your address. Just reply to the email with your full shipping address .

If your address is not verified by Paypal, we will often ask that you confirm it to make sure the address is correct. Sadly, a large number of orders do get shipped incorrectly because the buyer does not send us their correct address when they make their order.

This process of asking you to confirm your address helps lower those mis-shipped orders.

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Re: Confrming shipping ad
Post # 3
Can we order over the phone with a credit card or do we just have the online option?
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Re: Confrming shipping addres
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

Only online, but when you pay with Paypal you can use your credit card then.

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