Deal with a god

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Deal with a god
Post # 1
Is it possible to make a deal with a pagan god in exchange for something.
I ask because my friend asked me and I had no idea
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Re: Deal with a god
Post # 2
Did you try looking in the spells of articles on this site?
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Re: Deal with a god
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 3
No, you do not "make deals" with deities. However, you may honor them, make offerings to them, and ask them to help either teach you, show you, or give you the opportunity to accomplish your goal. And then even after all of that, they may do so if they want to--that is, if they deem that it is appropriate. Gods are not the same as your lesser high beings such as daemon, djinn, angels, nature spirits, etc. whatever you wish to see them as. Those are what you make "deals" with.
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Re: Deal with a god
Post # 4
I would like to add something to this. Whenever you choose to work with a particular Deity I wouldn't start off by demanding things from them. Get to know them and develop a working relationship with the Deity of your choosing. Working with them on this basis can be the most rewarding.
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