Fake Spells

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Fake Spells
Post # 1

Now, this questions is asked and answered numerous amount of times,"Why are there a bunch of fake spells on here," well to tell you the truth, the Admin, doesn't have time (and who would blame him) to go through the Spells or Articles to figure out which one is real and or fake.

This is why he created the "Fantasy" section on the site, there are "hundreds" of members that join Spells of Magic each day, out of those "hundreds" some or most go onto the "Spell Casters" coven and joins it, then they either go onto the "Spells" or "Articles" and place fake stuff.

Now as stated in Pet's profile, he only has a short time to Administrate this site, so he rather fix bugs, and make this site usable to the members.

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Re: Fake Spells
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
This is an "open" forum, so any member can post a spell on here. A Moderator may notice it, and place the spell under the appropriate heading. It would not be deleted as a member may post anything so long as it is within the rules. A fake spell is easy to spot. If it looks impossible it usually is! If we deleted all the fake spells we would soon have the 13 year olds screaming for our blood!
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Re: Fake Spells
By: / Novice
Post # 3
A fake spell is easy to spot. If it looks impossible it usually is! If we deleted all the fake spells we would soon have the 13 year olds screaming for our blood!

1. (Honestly, I think the age range is about 8-11 now... Of course, the forums requires somebody to be 13, therefore cannot be held legally responsible for younger people figuring out that if you can click a button then you can be 13)

2. I think you're perfectly right, that encouraging critical thinking is far more important and effective than censoring.

3. ...Still it's not very effective because sooooo many people don't want to have to think at all, let along think critically (/wrings hands in frustration) So I just keep telling myself that the people fooled by fake spells, sort of, ermm... deserved to have been fooled by fake spells.
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Re: Fake Spells
Post # 4
Yeah, good post Zeus universe.
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Re: Fake Spells
By: / Novice
Post # 5
@ Aeons, saw a profile once which stated the persons date of birth was January of this year. Shocking to think anyone would lie about their age on the internet.

It is a bit of a pain having so many non working spells when you give a long explanation on magick, how/why it works, and what magick can and can't do only for the person to respond with 'then why are there [Incert spell] then?!' But there is a few good reasons as to why these spells stay, Pet being too busy with far more important matters being the biggest one but let's not forget how many people join because of the spells. Sad but true. It can be a lesson to not belief everything, but if people are so bothered, rank them down and flag them.
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Re: Fake Spells
Post # 6
Never believe everything you see. You should have some logic when to comes to magick. I blame Hollywood for ruining the true meaning of magick in movies. That's just corrupting the true meaning of magick.
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Re: Fake Spells
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 7
Simple! Use Your Common Sense! Done and Done!
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Re: Fake Spells
Post # 8

Sue, that is the best sentence ever.

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