Attracting demons?

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Attracting demons?
Post # 1
I want to know more info about demons. How can you attract a demon and why do they even come to you? Do demons only come if you did a spell wrong or something?
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Re: Attracting demons?
Post # 2
in future war u will understand demon more i guess? since they say in future there will be a war
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Re: Attracting demons?
Post # 3
Raaachel, if you find anything out, can you tell me? It would help to know about that. I will also tell you what I find if i do.
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Re: Attracting demons?
Post # 4
Demons are sometimes attracted to large amounts of magic. They come to you because you may pose a threat in the coming war, and will try to kill you before you can do any damage. Nothing will happen if you do a spell wrong I dont think.
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Re: Attracting demons?
Post # 5
Demons appear to you for a large amounts of reasons; they could come to kill you if they think they pose as a threat towards them in the coming war, if they detect an unusual amount of magickal energy in you they could come to assinilate it, they might come up with a plan to wreak havoc and destruction and consider you as a perfect part of it. etc.
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Re: Attracting demons?
Post # 6
"I want to know more info about demons. How can you attract a demon and why do they even come to you? Do demons only come if you did a spell wrong or something?"

Curiosity, magical flares, potent energy, being summoned, their names called on the air, hate and rage in a home, all these things can call Demons. Did you know the demonic language is very close to the inarticulate choked noises a person makes when Really mad?

Thats why broken homes with angry people attract such activity.

And you're forgetting not all Demons are evil...

Good, Evil and Neutral.

They aren't all attracted to humans to kill, maim and subgigate. And those ones have a very obvious "feel" to their aura. The whole "OMG!! its cold and i'm afraid" is a bit of a tip off ^^.
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Re: Attracting demons?
Post # 7
Agreed. My demon makes me feel like my heart is on fire, but makes my skin cold. Its a very odd sensation.
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Re: Attracting demons?
Post # 8
Most all magic uses the underlings, demons. Thats why magic is so freakin dangerous.
Raachel, if you wish, the next time you send me a message ask me and i'll tell you plenty of them.
Also, as they said, magic attracts them too. Some symbols do, and certain sins do as well. Things evil in the world, in other words.
They all have one great want, to posess a human body.
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