Site Updates

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Site Updates
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 1
So it may look like I have been slack on the updates, getting profile updates working and so on. This is not the cast. I have been investigating the use of Facebook. Facebook ( appears to have the ability to download certain info into a RSS feed.

What this means is that we could simulate all the functionality of Facebook on this website, so we could form groups and so on. Everything I was planning to add anyways, and I do believe that most people out there already have facebook accounts anyways.

This is just an idea though. I would like to hear back from everyone though:

1) Do you currently have a Facebook account?
2) If so, how often do you vist facebook?
3) Do you think incorporating Facebook and this website is a good idea? (You can join a group/coven and it would exist on both websites)
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Re: Site Updates
Post # 2
I just joined yesterday, and was wondering why I couldn't update my profile...

I looked at the facebook site. If you integrate, will this site gain the functionality of facebook and retain the look (and feel) of spells of magic? The Facebook site is very cold and sterile, clean and steely, where this site is smooth and warm, safe feeling, full of constant moving energys; alive.

Any one else?
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Re: Site Updates
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
There would be 2 interfaces, one for facebook and one for us, so each site will look different.

I am thinking that Covens and Spell Books could be shared across the websites. This would allow Covens who want to, to have their Coven on the website as well, thus advertising their Coven to millions of people.

However, this is probably months away from happening.
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Re: Site Updates
Post # 4
I think this is a great idea Petrarce. The thought of presenting ones Coven to millions is apealing. This will give the ability to teach new practitioners who are looking for a place for information and attract experianced practitioners as well. But those are my thoughts on the matter.

Warlock Draco
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Re: Site Updates
Post # 5
great idea
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Re: Site Updates
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 6
There was a bug in the profile edits preventing people from changing gender and bios etc.... yo ushould now all be able to change this info
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