What is Divination?

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What is Divination?
Post # 1

Divination is a practice which determine the unkown by the manipulation and observetion of objects (tools) by their users.
Divination was practiced from ancient time.It was practiced in Babylon,in Rome,in Tibet etc.and the ancient methods of divination doesn't lost their popularity.

In some cultures Deities provide in the Divination (which was linked with religion).Practioners used specif tools which were manipulated by the Deity to provide a response.

Tools which are used for divination provide a responde in a lot of different ways.
Divination is divided in two forms:operational and natural.

What is operational divination ?

The practioners of operational divination manipulate tools to determine the unkown (future).Operational divination is a practice which consists in manipulate tools to provide a response.

What is natural divination?

Natural divination is a practice which consists in observation of the scenes from natures (clouds,birds etc.) to provide a response.

Types of responses:

Clearest responses (or binary responses): They provide the response at a question with yes or no.Sometimes exist the possibility to exist a response with "maybe" or "no answer"

Symbol responses: Tools (crystals,fire,clouds etc) produce a symbol which must be interpret by the practioner.Symbols can be interpret in a different way by different practioners.To interpret a symbol you must have a power of observation.

Selective responses:When we write more future events on pieces of a paper (or leaves) and then these are manipulated to provide a prediction.

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