I have a question I tried to ask on chat but apparently because I read too fast it was unacceptable and I got punished so no chat for me.... but what my problem is I am going bald... all the spells are to grow long hair, my hair is long I just need more of it I did find a few to make hair luscious some sound really nice do not care if they work they just sound so relaxing will do it anyway, but does anyone have a suggestion to make hair stop falling out and grow back if so please help!!!!!
What you guys can do is get hair products that help with what you are looking for; when you have that product follow the instructions and use it as many times as you are suppose to. Every time you are going to use it visualize it working, put your intent and energy into the product as you hold it and do the same every time you are using it in your hair.
To make it more complex, Google or bing ideas to make your own natural hair product for hair growth and to make it thick. When you go shopping for the products keep your intent in mind, once you have all of the items needed try placing them in front of you, meditate on your desire and put your intent in each item. You don't need candles but if you'd like to then I'd say white or maybe yellow for success. Then, as you are making and mixing the product keep your intent strong in mind and visualize it working. Do the same when you have finished and use the product, keep your intent and visualization strong. There's your very own spell.
By the way, you will need to have patience as you do this, it will not automatically give you results. It will take time; how long? I don't know it depends on the energy you put in taking care of your hair, health and the belief you have in the spell. Good luck!
I don't think there is a working spell for this. Magick effects energy, so I don't think you can grow hair or make it thicker/thinner with a spell. You could try, like while combing or washing your hair charge it with energy, maybe say a chant, and visualize you desired outcome, but you should look into other options to help.
Nekoshema, and Nano.Zasha made valid points. There isn't a spell that i think would do that.
Talk to a doctor, get hair products that suite your wants, and needs. If you want lucious hair, use Herbal essences with conditioner, or any shampoo for that matter. Wash hair, leave on for 2-3 minutes, rinse and do the same with conditioner. After rinse with cold water...this gives shine, and volume.
Anyways if you find a spell that works, then do it.
Since on chat, you may have gotten gagged. But you said you read too fast, did you agree to the rules? If you fail, you can take a new test in 2:30 hours.