I have some questions about Meditation. How will you know if your mind is quiet? Is it natural to see visions in the darkness of your eyelids? If you mind is Quiet, are you still aware of your body?
Your mind is quiet if your not thinking random stuff like is it working or how long should I do this.and yes you can picture a peaceful setting to help you relax but that's just my way it works
Well, I think it's kinda easy and kinda hard to explain.
You see, when you reach a certain stage of meditation where you quiet your mind, you don't really think about it. Your mind is a total peace with itself. As Buddhists describe as just...well, just being. You're aware of your body and your surroundings, yet, you think not of them. You just are.
I'm not sure abou the whole of the "visions in the darkness of your eyelids" bit. I never got that part when I've reached a point of meditation of total mental quiet.
If you want to practice meditation, just give it a quick lookup! Even Google Buddhist meditation techniques, and it may give a headstart on it. Good luck!
Hey there Loaqan, I have a lot of experience with meditation through living and studying at a Buddhist college, the common difficult people have is finding this balance between your mind falling asleep and staying too awake, this is known as mental rising and mental sinking. if you focus on the sensation of the breath entering and leaving the nostrils and keep that going, you may find that your mind starts to become busy, but don't let this discourage you, your actually becoming aware of how busy your mind is! And this is perfectly natural whilst in meditation. If you need any further help please feel free to PM me anytime :)
There are many forms of meditation out there, not all require your mind to be "quiet". If this is what you desire to achieve, it is simply put, when your thoughts have calmed to the point that as one rises you can dismiss it. Essentially when you are no longer having conscious thoughts.
Some people get the pre concieved notion that your mind must be blank or quiet in order to be meditating, and it can be hard for some. However some forms of meditation actually require you to focus on specific thoughts, your breathing, even the feel of something like the air around you or what you are sitting on.
The general idea of meditation is to allow you to gain control over your conscious thoughts, calming them so that you may focus. It could be to help relieve anxiety, to focus your mind on a specific task, to gain innsight on something that you were otherwise unaware of, etc.
There is no right or wrong way to meditate. Obviously it should not cause you stress, and should help you to relax.
Meditation is something when your mind enters into entirely different world, you are lost.You can meditate sitting at any peaceful place.When you are new you must choose a place with no crowd.Once you are able to concentrate and meditate you can perform anywhere.
How will you know about it,you will experience it that you have no other thoughts only a silent mind.If you are not able to do on your own you must join a Meditation-retreat.This will help you.
Different forms of meditation brings different results, basically if you feel relaxed you're meditating. You can try and silence your mind, but most people just let thoughts flow past. [Meaning you're meditating and you hear 'what should I make for dinner?' Instead of going 'maybe chicken, or burgers...' You just keep counting your breath and let the thought fade away.] You can start with just taking ten slow deep breathes, then move to 20, and up and up until you can sit quietly for long periods.
There are also many ways to cleanse your chakras, crystals, energy, even certain herbs and colours can be used to charge/cleanse your chakra. I have used visualizing methods. I've tried visualizing a lotus flower of the chakra colour opening, coloured water being cleaned of gunk [leaves, moss] , pearls being shined, rings, crystals, lights. Currently I go with pearls, but that's me. Research chakras because there are many things to help them. A barefoot walk can help ground you and open the root chakra for instance.
I was taught to meditate by concentrating on a single object. In my case it was a small bowl of "darkened" water.The way I feel about meditation is that it is allowing your subconscious Mind to "take over". But,as has been said,there many different methods.