My friend needs help.

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My friend needs help.
Post # 1
I made this account to ask this specific question. My friend is seeing someone else's life. He doesn't know what's going on and neither do I, and he's scared, it's like... Taking over his life. He says his grandma taught him "things" but won't explain further. What I assumed, because he was implying she was a "witch," she studied stuff like this. Though, what I want to know, is if there's a way to make these images stop? Is there a way that he can go back to normal?
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Re: My friend needs help.
Post # 2
Well if he can then he should ask him granma but if he can't then ask a close witch to her

He maybe a telepath is my best guess
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Re: My friend needs help.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
And he may have a vivid imagination.
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Re: My friend needs help.
Post # 4
Ha, that's the thing... His grandma is dead and we can't ask her.
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Re: My friend needs help.
Post # 5

I suspect an over-active imagination.

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Re: My friend needs help.
Post # 6
He probably learned a form of dream scape.. If he masters it he'll be able to control his subconscious..

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