I want to learn...

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I want to learn...
Post # 1
Hi. My name's Araya. I am very good at helping people with their own life issues but can never help myself. I always get bitten in the back by the same people whom I whole heartedly and sincerely cared for and cried for and helped achieve goals, yet I remain stuck. I have had enough and I want control. Over my life and how I influence others. I don't want to be abused anymore in this sense. So, why did I join? For revenge.This goody two shoe nonsense is destroying me. I'd like to get to know people who's experienced the full outcome of casting spells. Please. I'd like some expert help. Thanks all!
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Re: I want to learn...
Post # 2
I'm a talented summoner, and my summons cause those around me bad luck.

For example when my ex boyfriend was around me they would constantly trip him, knock things out of this hands, or influence him to get in trouble.
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