Energy Magick?

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Energy Magick?
Post # 1
How can i effectively practice energy magic? I often find myself without materials and would like to practice the spells i find but do not have the listed ingredients. I already practice energy magick but would like to know if i am doing it correctly and maybe some tips to make my visualization more effective.
What i do is basically imagine the entire spell in my head. All the ingredients, the chants (sometimes i say those out loud) etc. I always imagine "feeling" the spell. Feeling the results that i wish for it to bring me. Is this correct?
Also, is it possible to visualize my spells with my eyes open or should they be closed? Thanks.
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Re: Energy Magick?
Post # 2
What technique do you mean exactly?
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Re: Energy Magick?
Post # 3
Written where? I'm not asking you to "spoon feed" me information. I am perfectly capable of learning on my own, i was only looking to be directed into the right direction where i would be able to find out more about Energy magick.
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Re: Energy Magick?
By: / Novice
Post # 4
There's no point in posting something if its not helpful. Astral, I've messaged you on the subject. And it doesn't matter if your eyes are open or closed while visualizing. Though when first practicing its much easier to have them closed. When you have mastered each step exercise, you should be able to visualize with your eyes open. If you can do this already, and feel more comfortable doing it this way, then that's all that matters.
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Re: Energy Magick?
Post # 5
Thank you Tethaia, the information you provided me was very helpful (:
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