I tried cursing someone yesterday night, it was a nightmare curse, my question is, is there any chance that i don't know i took some of the curse's energy into me ?
today i had a small argument with someone and i am not suppose to make such a big deal out of it but in my mind i am making such a big deal of it, it makes me want to cry, maybe i took some of that dark energy and it makes me have bad karma and luck.
Re: Dark Magic backfire By: AwakeTooLong / Knowledgeable
Post # 2 Sep 23, 2015
Backfire itself is not so much a thing. But when you deal with negative energies it's entirely possible that you accidentally leave yourself open to them influencing you.
Karma would have nothing to do with you taking in negativity, but as a response in the next life to you doing harm to another. That is to say that karma is the cosmic force in some Eastern cultures defining your placement in the next life.
There is also belief in such things as the rule of three, and other similar concepts of "what goes around comes around," where your act of cursing someone may well have invited harm upon yourself to some degree or another.
That, or you've just had a bad day and/or are more sensitive for some reason.
You should be careful when dealing with dark magick.
My advice is to always visualise black energy flowing out, never in because it will backfire, and afterwards (when the curse or whatever is done) i suggest meditate with a white, positive energy. Hope this helps. :)
Re: Dark Magic backfire By: AwakeTooLong / Knowledgeable
Post # 4 Sep 23, 2015
Valid points.
I forgot to mention that generally it is recommended that one cleanse before and after a ritual. This removes other potential influences before your work, and then removes any lingering energies after the fact. Grounding, centering, etc. are frequently part of this process as well, sometimes before, and almost always after.
According to that 3 blah blah blah law, if you cast a spell either good or bad comes back to you three times.
I don't know if that law or whatsoever will really give you a back fire but still, be careful when dealing with black magick.
i get it now, im so thankfull for all your answeres, im trying to learn as much as possible, i know it might backfire or i get some dark energy inside of me in doing this, but it was the first time i did a black magic, we learn from our mistakes :). im going to be posting more on this forum i want to be a part of the family. :)