I presume you are a part of the spellcasters Coven.
The main part of it is that you can add spells to both the site and Coven spellbook.
That is all I know.
Council means you can add spells and articles as well as delete threads in the coven forum. Sometimes covens will require more from council such as voting on new members or teaching in the coven, but that's not mandatory.
Priest/priestess means you run the coven. On top of all the council stuff you can pin or lock forum threads, edit articles, edit the profile, picture and icon of the coven, add, remove, or reject new members, and promote/demote members into the council or priest/priestess [Though I think that only works if you appoint the other position. Like you can't be priestess and appoint a new priestess, and vice versa. You also can't step down if there's only one leader]
Yes SoM is exactly like the mafia lol. What I mean is, if you are the only leader, the other leader deleted their account, you can't step down. Also, you can't appoint a new priestess if you are the acting priestess. The priest has to promote someone to priestess. At least that's what I've learned from experience with the covens on this site.
@ OmkarPat you should read some beginners books or look for a few beginners guides here [there's a few pinned in the General Information section] magick is defined different ways by different people, but magick specifically spell casting, is an energy found in nature you charge and direct through spells to bring a desired change. This energy is part of nature, so spells that go against nature [basically anything in a movie] doesn't work. You should look into basic energy work so you can feel the natural flow of energy around you. Once you get use to charging and grounding, try focusing the energy in a spell. I usually suggest a simple candle spell, take a candle [go with white for protection] hold the candle and feel energy flowing down your arms into the candle [might feel warm, you might also feel a tingling] when you feel ready, light the candle and visualize your desired outcome [for a protection spell, visualize a glow around you and maybe dark light bouncing off it] make sure the candle isn't too big, a tiny candle that will burn for 10-15 minutes is perfect, otherwise your mind will wander and the spell won't work as well.
Writing spells is another matter, learn about spells and how/why they work before writing your own.
Neko is incorrect; any priest or priestess can promote council to priest or priestess. It makes no different; you can replace yourself as easily as you can replace others.