Hi I'm not quite sure how to word this i'm semi new to this and I need to know how to summon a demon. I'm well aware of everything that can go wrong and am prepared for most outcomes i'm just having trouble figuring out how to summon one. (also a quick question if someone is possessed by something how can you tell without being able to talk to the person in real life? i've seen both their eyes go completely black before no white at all then they'd blink and their eyes would be normal and their personality has shifted completely sorry just a side thing)
If you're new to this, you should be learning how magic works and what it can and can't do. You should learn the difference between fantasy and reality because what you may have seen on an episode of Supernatural cannot happen in real life.
Calling an entity takes more than just a few wordings and items, you need to learn how to sense them, how to open a connection from our world to theirs and your intention has to be clear. People who have encounters with demons or other malevolent spirits are due to huge coincidences, most of them at least. So if you just want to summon a demon cause it cool, then you will not succeed.
Is you are fairly new, as it has already been stated, you should not even be attempting this, you should be learning everything you can before even considering contacting any form of demonic entity again.
If you have already done this before, surely you would know how to go about doing it again.
Summonong one is not an issue. Learn to sense energies first and research ways to communicate with them.
Here's a waypoint to annoy a demon. Succeed calling him and when he comes up..just lay there saying "Why didn't it work? Where on Earth is it?".
Time wasted for both of you..and if you called one with a short temper well..accidents occur. Spirits conjuring is not something you shall try if you are "new"or "semi new".
Maybe you look for a spiritual guide and this is why you would like the assistance of a demon? Very well. But then again,unless you can communicate with them,stir away from summonings.
Summoning entities is no joke. As others have stated, being a beginner in magick is bound to make your results go bad.
There is a reason spirits have attacked, harmed, drove some to insanity and even death. They don't operate on human morality, and plenty are predatory and parasitic beings.
If you really want to summon a demon, it's as easy as using a Ouija board without protections and allowing something to come through.
I'd recommend however, to study the Goetia. It's a well defined and well worked system that has produced results for hundreds of years, summoning demons to aid one, of course with the protections in place.
Here's the thing about magick. You cut corners, do something without consideration for the dangers, and ignore the methods of protection, it can and will go bad. There's a reason many magicians and witches go mad or die. Andrew Chumbley and Aleister Crowely are two fine examples.