Welcome to Natural Magick's very own Coffee Shop . This is a place you can come to in order to talk about your day, what you've been up to, and relax while sharing with your fellows. Sit down, grab a virtual cup of coffee and share!
Re: The Coffee Shop By: Personified / Knowledgeable
Post # 2 Jan 01, 2016
*Sits down with a big Darth Vader mug full of hot chocolate*
Ahem. I'll get this going.
Let's see.. Recently just returned home after spending the holidays with my fiance's parents. It was a long trip. The weather was pretty crazy: it flash flooded, rained over 15 inches, began snowing and then there was a tornado. Felt like some kind of Christmas Apocalypse but I'm glad to be home now, warm and safe. I start my second semester of graduate school here in a few weeks and I am pretty anxious about that. I have a lot of new work to get started on. Many new things happening with the new years approach.
Happy New Years, guys. Hope everyone else is doing well.
I start my first semester of community college in just over a week after quitting university, and I'm looking forward to that. Almost finished unpacking as well and performed a land-taking ritual as well. Things are definitely starting to look up.
Re: The Coffee Shop By: FoxyLokean
Post # 5 Jan 01, 2016
Coffee. Black. Like my soul.
I've had a rough time recently here in Cali. I've friends who are telling me to go home. To not deal with this shit. But I can't run from my battles.
*sips tea* Not much has been going on, I bought a bunch of books, met a boy. (His name is Cyrus and he has slate gray eyes), took a trip, made this account. I'm kinda sad the break is almost over
Re: The Coffee Shop By: Personified / Knowledgeable
Post # 8 Jan 03, 2016
*eyeballs a big, buttery croissant*
My fiance and I finally went to a gym near where I live and signed up. I'm very nervous to start working out. I haven't exercised since I injured my back because of the immense pain it causes me, but I know it needs to be done. I've put on a little weight since the injury because I find myself avoiding physical activities in order to avoid pain. However, it's time to suck it up and deal with it in order to get back to being healthy. Becoming a couch potato is not going to help me in the future, and it certainly won't fix my back.
Takes a bite of a croissant and sips some coffee Well trying to finish a story just on a 4 page in my journal I am kinda ready for school but don't want to deal with idiots who go to my school But I will be glade to see my friends *takes another bite* and um just have some fun only a few at my school know that I practice witchcraft * takes another sip* I am sad tho I don't get to sleep in
I'm dreading going back to school Tuesday because that means I have basketball after school. Just thinking about basketball gives me anxiety because there's these kids on my team, that I hate, who always yell at me and make me feel horrible. I just can't wait for the season to be over.