Astral Projection

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Astral Projection
Post # 1
Im new here. Have a question on astral projection vs lucid dreaming? I've always been an extremely vivid dreamer, and recently have gained the ability to control my dreams (on certain terms). Im very interested in astral projection, have tried while awake unsuccessful, but have had different experiences while in semi sleep state, of what could be astral projection? but am unsure. I can only get to this state in the afternoon, early to mid state sleep, I can lift my spiritual arms/legs out of my body, or as it seems because Im still fully aware that my bodied arms/legs are still at rest. I start to lift myself out of my body but then the experience frightens me back. It feels incredibly real and afterwad it is always very difficult to pull myself fully awake on my own. It is strange to me because in my waking state of meditation and astral attempt I am not afraid...any thoughts? Can one astral project during sleep?
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Re: Astral Projection
Post # 2
One can astral project when the physical body is asleep, while the other ones are awake. And one can astral project via lucid dreaming as well, though it is important to make the distinction that lucid dreaming and astral projection are not the same thing, contrary to what many people will tell you. Though, since I cannot prove that to you, I am forced to say that that is just what I believe to be the truth on the subject. Others will tell you differently.

The frightening feeling you get is one that many people initially get upon learning to astral project. It might happen a lot at first before you fully get the hang of it. But eventually you get use to it, and you don't feel so frightened anymore. Once you get to that stage, it will be a lot easier.

One thing that helped me back when I still had some fears of astral projection is thinking about my state of mind and making several observations. I had fear about going into it, but once I was actually there, and having a first-hand experience, I was not afraid at all. It's not as scary as you think it might be. If you have any kind of mild social anxiety, you probably know this feeling. You are so anxious to introduce yourself to someone, but once you actually do it and shake their hand, you realize that it's not that bad. Astral projection, for many, is very similar. Think of the feeling that frightens you back as kind of a "breaking-the-ice" stage.
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Re: Astral Projection
Post # 3
Thank u for the imput. I know that it is a practice of patience...for some reason I have been closest to acheiving when not fully awake but also important to note that in this sleep/but awake state, though I'm getting better at it, I feel less "in control" as I said before it is frightening at times how extremely difficult it is to rise myself out of it on my own, regardless if I attempt to project...its hard to describe but it sometimes brings about almost a state of paralysis with my physical body, that Im too aware of perhaps. But maybe thats my problem when attempting fully awake? Is trying to hold onto that control? I also fall asleep too easily, a problem when trying to practice astral projection..but no matter, what I have experienced is so intriguing I will continue to practice
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Re: Astral Projection
Post # 4
Sounds like sleep paralysis. That is another valid method to astral project. The sleep paralysis happens and that is why it becomes insanely hard to move at all. It's just a security function that your body has, basically so that you don't act out your dreams in your sleep and get yourself hurt. However it can also be used as a means of astral travel. If you astral travel via sleep paralysis, you usually go through an extra stage that is learning to move your astral body out of your paralyzed physical body. It's also normal to hallucinate at this stage.
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Re: Astral Projection
Post # 5
Hi....anyone able to differentiate between astral projection when asleep and when awake? Thanks.
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