The troubled life of a...

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The troubled life of a...
Post # 1
Teenaged Wiccan. (Sorry couldnt fit entire title)

Everyday I wake up to the same question. Why do i have to keep my life a secret? Why must I wake up to a world that rejects me..?
I am a Teenage Wiccan.
I cant practice spells or rituals and i must find alternatives to do so. (Ive created my own system of Rituals and spells that work effectivly, You can ask me to post later)
I fear neglect from my Father who is a full christian.
I fear Hate from a Christian world.
My dreams of becoming an Actor on Broadway or in the Movies seems to turn to dust.
But my fears keep me from going any further...
As a teenager...what should i do..?
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Re: The troubled life of a...
Post # 2
You can do nothing. People will say oh you can do this and that but as long as you are living under your parents roof then you can do nothing except sit back and wait until you get old enough to move out. People will also say that your parents have no right to touch you stuff. I find that wrong because you are living under their roof. Doesnt matter if you bought the stuff, its in their house and if they dont want it there they will take it out. Just go on with your rituals and things like you usually do until you get old enought to be on your own.
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Re: The troubled life of a...
Post # 3
*sigh* i was afraid of that...but yes you are right...My age is nothing to me though...In reality im only 16 but i feel much much older...I have moments where i spur up maturity that i even scare myself with, and in other times im 10 again...I guess its what you need to be an actor...

Im full of wisdom...Shunned by those who see a number as the barrier of maturity
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Re: The troubled life of
By: / Novice
Post # 4
Philosophical and spiritual maturity isn't the issue here (unless you can have proper discussions with them, to negotiate a looser rein on your spiritual exploration... that's what I did... but they do have the right to say no and you must respect that because they're feeding you.) The issue is social maturity: can you get a job, to pay the electric/water bills and the rent on your very own place where you can do whatever you want, and pay for your food and clothes, all by yourself? If you can't, then you're not mature. Not in the way you need to be, anyway. So either work on that, get an emancipation, or grin and bear it until you turn 18. Simple enough.
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Re: The troubled life of a...
Post # 5
Just grin my teeth and bare it...Well ive been doing that since uhh...birth so i think i can get through that much

Just 2 more years guys! Yay?
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Re: The troubled life of
By: / Novice
Post # 6
It'll fly by ;-)
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Re: The troubled life of a...
Post # 7
i moved out at 16 so i could do my own thing without the confinment of beeing under "their roof" and i had to share a room with a 3 yr old so i could not hav an alter or anything.
good luck tho
blessed be Laverna xxx
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