
CovenSpell Casters ► Warlock15
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Post # 1
Hi i need a magic teacher who can make me have magic and how to do little tricks
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Re: Warlock15
Post # 2

Magick is not something you "have." It's an external force. You send your intent out into the world to do magick. It's the same as you couldn't "have math." You could have knowledge about math, and know how to use it in day-to-day life, but you couldn't send out a special internal force of math.

I wouldn't recommend getting a teacher on here. There are a lot of people on here who think they are knowledgeable on magick, but aren't. (There are people who are knowledgeable, too, but it's sometimes hard to know who's who.) Learn about the basics of magick first. Check out the Featured Articles section for some information.

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