Deaf could talk to a cat?

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Deaf could talk to a cat?
Post # 1
How is possible that Deaf person could talk to a cat without no voice? Could Deaf person use sign language to a cat or could Deaf person use thoughts to a cat? let me know if you do know about this... thanks!
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Re: Deaf could talk to a cat?
Post # 2
I would say telepathy would be the best way. I can speak and hear but find myself speaking to my animals just mind to mind.
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Re: Deaf could talk to a cat?
Post # 3
Not only can a person use natural instinct to comunicate with animals, such as a cat, magickally and psychically the can too. It is posible, cause even though I'm not deaf, I use this style of comunication to talk to my pets all the time.
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Re: Deaf could talk to a cat?
Post # 4
deaf people can talk, the mute cant!
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