what would happen?

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what would happen?
By: / Novice
Post # 1
what would happen to a god if the thing t governs no longer existed? like for example what happens to a god of disease if all diseases were wiped out?
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Re: what would happen?
Post # 2
This is an interesting topic and a good question. In my opinion, a god stays as a god, so if all diseases were wiped out, then the god of diseases is still the god of diseases. Sorry if this was hard to understand, I'm not very good at explaining things.
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Re: what would happen?
By: / Novice
Post # 3

Personally (and I push the point that this is only my personal belief), Gods and Goddesses are of human creation, in times of need we call on deities to help us, and they offer us something to blame in times of need.

If disease no longer existed, humans would have no need to blame something and so any deities of disease would no longer "exist".

Much like if no one fell in love, felt love or knew of love, love deities would no longer "exist" becuse we would not even know of love.

Of course this is only my personal way of looking at deities and does not mean anyone elses beliefs are any less valid.

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