Cthulhu mythos

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Cthulhu mythos
Post # 1
I was wondering to myself as i was reading up on Cthulhu and all the other nasties that come with such research, What is everyone's view on the Cthulhu mythos?
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Re: Cthulhu mythos
Post # 2
I've read most of lovecrafts work and i find him to be an excellent author. Ilove the stories and the images which they can produce. The sheer monstrousness of the beings written about in his stories. A book using the chulu mythos in a magickal sense is one of the finbarr books "scorpio book of the old ones". Its a good read.

Blessed be Lady Oblivion
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Re: Cthulhu mythos
Post # 3
I've encountered a one or two beings similar to those described in Lovecrafts work, but they are part of peopels being, so not quite sure how to regard it, except to treat it with respect.
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Re: Cthulhu mythos
Post # 4
The Books are a good read, But if they DO exist, They seem to be well below the level of influence ascribed them. They exist as deformed uglies of Spirits, Or simply thought forms empowered by the people that believe they Do exist... In my opinion, of course. :)
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Re: Cthulhu mythos
Post # 5
Snow ball effect the more momentum the larger the ball as such is that of the mythos (lol a shoggoth is behind you lol) but such a thing must be taken seriously
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Re: Cthulhu mythos
Post # 6
I would suggest that most myth is based on fact.

I also suggest the idea that Artists, musicians or authors, can be Touched by mystical force that imparts knowledge. Conciously or sub conciously.

In that vein I would suggest that Some works have such recurring appeal because on one level or another They Are true, or May be true, or Were true once.

To conclude the thought, Cthulhu Could exist. Less powerful, more powerful, chained, dead, banished, lost forever, consumed, enslaved.. we do not and maybe Cannot know.

Though the Ancient Demons are more of a "monsterous" scale than the more modern incarnations.. so in theory it could have been that once there was a set of demons that were of such power and mindset they could annilate the sanity of the beings around them.

As another thought, if He/It does exist Cthulhu could be a bastardisation of the original name or a deviant of the root.

Names change, especially amongst the more Ancient creatures.

Humans know a being by a name, as we grow as a people and change beliefs, the Beings are the same but we call them differently.


just my two cents
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Re: Cthulhu mythos
Post # 7
my theory on them is a bit out there, maybe Flagg may enjoy it even if only for a giggle, look on a big scale, visualize this universe isnt the first one to exist, imagine one existing prior to this one, exaxt same, yet of pure primal darkness, within that darkness there were primal ancients beasts of Khaos, now when that universe perished or the reset button was hit the souls of the "ancient ones" kinda just got carried over to, but now being confined to either a part of void or a shadow realm where light cannot reach. We get what we believe in, push onto the wrong things and you tap into the wrong things, Flagg will be one to verify that there are many beings of darkness who's age surpasses that of any form of time, even on a universal level ;)
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