I was thinking how do you use a doll or a poppet.
I am actually still new and I am just reading the articles all around here on how to start doing spells and even casting them. Then I am browsing the spells in this site. There were some spells that need dummies, dolls or poppets. Is it the same as voodoo dolls? Sorry, i havent been reaching those kinds of learning as of yet. But I am really curious about it. So I hope you guys will help me .
Also, do you need to charge your doll or whatever you call it with your energy or spell or a prayer before you use it or while making it? Any answer will be a big help! Thank you!
Some people call the use of poppets or dolls sympathetic magic. Yes, itis sort of the same thing as a Voodoo doll, though that concept has been distorted heavily by books and movies.
Some people may use poppets as avatars of other people or even themselves, and for many differing reasons. But the concept remains: the figure is a representation of the objectof the work.
Before I start binding the planetary energy or thoughtform/servitor inside the doll I use an invocation of Kingu before hand and use a qliphothic star to evoke the energies inside the doll.
Re: About dolls and poppets By: Weatherwax / Knowledgeable
Post # 7 Mar 04, 2017
To put it simply, yes they are the same as what pop culture believes a Voodoo Doll is, same intent, same purpose just not as dramatized.
The 'lore' of where the publics view comes of them is because traditionally you create the doll of cloth from your intendeds clothes, or bound with their hair etc (And various other personal ingredients) and then the doll would be pierced with a needle or blackthorn in some areas (Or other needle like object) to drive your intention.
Each body part would represent either their literal one or the symbolic nature of it - such as your Heart, you can use a doll to help or hurt someones heart or use that spot to symbolise love.
This is why its called Sympathetic Magic - it is a reflection of what you do and it mirrors it into the physical (Just not at that dramatic, tv show idea)
You would pray over them, focus your intent whilst making them - in some practices baptise them like if they were a child. Best to find a method that fits you.
There are other 'poppets' you can use, I am a fan of using particular fruits or vegetables in replacement of having to make a poppet - lemons, oranges, apples, potatoes, carrots (even the plant Mandrake - because it is the shape of a person) - find what fits your needs (Each of the ones I mentioned are better for different purposes).
Ohh, thank you! its really a big help. I don't know what I should use or how should I start using magic. I am still at the introductory level. I am still reading many articles here. And somehow, posting and asking questions in forums is also a big help.