Scrying in a mirror

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Scrying in a mirror
Post # 1
Ok so a month into yoga and in "mountains pose" (your just standing with your hands open starring at yourself) fogg would start flowing in the class....but only in that stance. I had come to the conclusion that I was just seeing kundalini energy. I now believe I'm just Naturally gifted at scrying because I actually attempted it this morning. The room filled with a much thicker fogg and my mirror was glowing from the sides as though there was a light behind it.... it would glow off and on. I think I was scrying in yoga without meaning to hence the fogg. Is the fogg normal? I know absolutely nothing about this and would really appreciate some insight as well as some good literature on the topic.
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Re: Scrying in a mirror
Post # 2
I have never tried scrying. But it is normal for clouds or fog to appear while scrying.
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Re: Scrying in a mirror
Post # 3

Based on the information the Tadasana(Mountain Pose) is used to balance and grounding connected to the Muldahara(Root Chakra) though people who have an unbalance Solar Plexus chakra find issue in doing this posture. Make sure your area feels well and stretch- Yoga is often used to get ready to mediate. Make sure you do not have any high amounts of stimulants such as sugar, nicotine or Caffine as this can cause issue with your postures and energy flow.

As to the fog it could be a number of reasons. If it is due to just a single pose you may have a pinch nerve due to the amount of stretching done from this. You should discuss with your yoga teacher of the incident. Depending on it you may need to see a doctor. However, if you feel it is another reason such as scrying you could practice with a mirror dedicated to scrying or covering a mirror when doing the posture.

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