Hello! I've been interested in Irish/Celtic Polytheism for a while now and I'm looking for some sources to research. These can be books (which I'd put in my wishlist as I can't buy more books now), sites, articles, blogs, or anything. If it's online, better, because of my said inability to buy books at the moment.
The word of practicing Irish Polytheists would also work and be super helpful!
I can't think of any books besides ones on Irish mythology, but here are some sites you might be interested in. If you dig around, they'll probably have a booklist somewhere.
This one is the FAQ website of a Celtic Reconstruction group. They separate themselves from Neo-Druids and focus more on the historical knowledge that's still out there. They also don't require you to join anything in return for sharing their findings.
Sorry if you don't like blogs, but they're worthwhile for reading about personal experiences and tracking down more scholarly resources. This one focuses on Irish polytheism specifically and is decently educational on the path.
Oh don't worry! Personal experiences and blogs are totally fine! As long as it's online, I don't have any problem :) Personal experiences can have lots of insight and also give ideas. Thanks for this! Will surely check them out as soon as I can !
Re: Irish/Celtic Polytheism By: Lark Moderator / Adept
Post # 8 Jul 14, 2017
The first thing to remember in terms of the actual practices of the Irish Celts is that we actually know almost nothing about them since they had no written langauge. The Celts depended upon an oral tradition and in the 1500-some years that Ireland has been a Christian peoples that oral tradition ha been lost.
I would suggest starting with books on the historical Celts and what little we actually do know. You might want to try these for starters:
"The Pagan Celts" by Anne Ross
"Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles" by Ronald Hutton
"The Druids" by Peter Berresford Ellis
There is an excellent site with lots of very good resources at https://www.ecauldron.net/reconcelt.php
As for modern Celtic Reconstructionis path, I would recommend:
"The Apple Branch" by Alexei Kondratiev
And finally, here's a link to a site that contains a multitude of Irish Celtic myths and legends which can give you an idea of how the ancient Irish Celts viewed their Deities: http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/celtic/irish/
Thanks for these! Yes I know we don't know much. I have been reading a few books I could get and they clearly state it's a recontructionalist religion because there's no written record. Hopefully I can find Anne Ross' book because it doesn't seem to be available in my usual store. thanks!