I am not sure if this is the right place to post this or not.
How do you reverse a soul tie? I want to know how to pull energy from it to use.
I have read the soul ties suck energy and lower your vibrations. I have one that feels like a vampire. I would like to pull back that which was taken from me before cutting the tie.
So how does one accomplish this?
Thank you for your assistance
Re: Spiritual ties By: Artindark Moderator / Adept
Post # 4 Jul 28, 2017
Well you have read that the soul ties can result into lowering of your vibration and loosing energy, so why would you lower your vibration again? When someone uses a link to absorb energy, they often completely integrate this energy within their energetic field in matter of days. Thus, your energy is no longer just your energy. It has been twisted to a new state, which is mixture of yours and mixture of theirs. If you try to pull it back, you will pull in some of theirs as well. If you pull in some of theirs, you are not cutting the link. You are making it more stronger and viable. You also are pulling a piece of their energy within yourself, which is like allowing a virus to possibly be activated and roam free in your energetic field. If a person is exceptionally gifted with energy manipulation, and has stronger energy, will, practice and discipline than yours, they might allow you to pull in their energy just for the sake of acting as Tojan horse. Once, it has infiltrated, and the person is stronger and more gifted than you, it will be very hard for you to deal with the infiltration.
Your best shot is to learn to be much wiser and move on, cutting all ties and not risking it. I would advise against that only to exceptionally gifted people because in that case the odds are in their favour. This types of workings are extremely complex in nature and they require the presence of certain gift and a good control on oneself to be executed successfully. This is beyond the reach of most living human beings. This type of control very often is not linked directly with the type of will, which human mind exerts. It is linked to a type of will, which is perpetuated by existing in a certain state of existence, which does not come natural to most people.
Thank you Artindark.
I had no idea that you could pull in there energy while trying to get your back. What is the best way to cut these soul ties? I have moved on, just wanted the energy he took from me. Figure he was undeserving of keeping anything of me.
Re: Spiritual ties By: Artindark Moderator / Adept
Post # 6 Jul 29, 2017
That is the case because, in nature everything absorbed is incorporated within the energetic field or within the physical body of the being. In same way that you break down your food to amino acids, fatty acids and vitamins and minerals. Then those are incorporated in your new cells. You have to break the bonds between the protein molecules to take them back. In same way absorbed electromagnetic energy is incorporated in the current energetic filed of the living person and is influences and changed by that field. It is not any longer just yours energy in its initial state as it was absorbed.
The best way to prevent someone influencing your energetic field is to stay away from them physically and learn to build shields and to also not think about them whatsoever. Move on completely. What is lost is lost. See things differently, this energy is no longer yours and a part of you. It has lost most of you in his energetic field. So it is not worth holding on to it and holding yourself back.
If someone has been draining you, then I suggest you drain them back and then push a curse their way. Nothing says " leave me alone" like fatigue followed by a bout of illness.
Energy is pulled from a target in the same way you manipulate energy during a ritual. Feel the energy within them, push astral tendrils into their aura and pull the energy down the tendrils to you.
It's worth setting up some kind of filter to ensure you don't feed on any 'unclean' energy.