i think to much...

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i think to much...
Post # 1
i think way to much, but that there is a good thing. i tried to share my thoughts to this site... but what i have seen is that no one cares what i have to say... even tho there about us or this site, we don't care... all we care about is spells and training. if we see something in the way or after us, we well push it aside or if it gets to much in our way then we well do one small thing. i know that no one in the world cares if i am gone the next day, and some well not care if your not in this world the next day also. my thoughts are to hurtful for anyone here. i learned to keep my mouth shut. for the wise well understand what this truly mean. for those who think normal well think they know. we make to much posts about the same thing... why? because we must throw ourselves into play. we must learn by creating anew thing. we can't do that in the real world or with magick... magick can change... but we can't changed it into our own way... we can find other ways to help us, but we can't change it. there are to many paths for us in life... but magick has more paths. for those who have read this far i call you the ones who look for true knowledge. i know this post well be forgotten like the others. all because where to scared to look at the truth. we are scared on what is on the other side of the door in magick. so we well try to find shortcuts. many well fail and give up... others well pass and give up. others well fail and start all over again until it is done. we can't work together no matter how much we want to. the only reason why is because we have no goal or gift into the work. we get nothing out of it so we don't try... and those we have been attacking us about magick is not real... i believe they did magick once in there life, but they took shortcuts and could never do it... we hate the ones that are better then us... that is the fact we all must face... and for the ones that are to scared to move forward well get nowhere...

for the ones that have a sad past, we need to stop looking back and start moving forward... or else we can trip on the way to your future and may break a bone that which well take forever to heal... there are others that have been into deep sorrow then you. so stand up for yourself and make a step forward. don't stay in the past. which it is gone and there well be nothing that we can do about it or for it... not even a going back in time spell well do that. we need others there for us and that can make us happy for a long time... but others like me well make friends that well ask more then they need to know...

i wish that this does not hurt anyone... i wish not to hurt you all, only to help. i can't really think of a reason why i want to... all i know is that i need to help those who need or don't need... i seen to many things in life that no one should see or feel... so please... read my some of my thoughts...
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Re: i think to much...
Post # 2
You took words from me... thank you
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Re: i think to much...
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I understand and have read much of where you're coming from, but I hope you're not blinding yourself to those of us who are doing our best to ptomote the growth of individuals. Those of us who are reaching out to new individuals in hopes that we can be the ones who respond helpfully with the sole of intention the betterment of each singular person here.

We are all here to provide knowledge for the new and curious and for some of us there is a very deep care for the others on this site, even if it is not stated. However, there is also a wish that some would grow up and learn not to say EVERY SINGLE THING they think. and that is a generalized statement not one aimed at any particular toes.
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Re: i think to much...
Post # 4
wow I have some of the same thoughts but I have a habit of pushing them to the back of my head, I like this post it really speaks out to some people, thank you
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Re: i think to much...
Post # 5
perdur, do you really see that in this site? yes i know a few. but do you really think that i mean everyone? on some i said i do mean everyone, but on some i don't mean everyone... for those who are doing there best then you have no worry but to those who may hurt you on your way...
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Re: i think to much...
By: / Novice
Post # 6
I don't see it enough on this site. I see it in myself and in few others. I do see a lot of knowledgeable people constantly bickering, or shoving aspects, or skewed beliefs, and acting like children that want to be taken serious like the grown-ups, instead of waiting for the appropriate time and place to speak their minds.
Again, this is a generalized statement so if you think I'm talking about you then I probably am, so don't ask, it's beside the point.
Stop and think about what your fingers are saying before you click that add comment button. Is it really helping? Are you aiming for selfish recognition? Is it the best way it could be conveyed? Is this the right forum?
Act wisely and you will be perceived as wise, act foolishly and you are naught but a fool.
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Re: i think to much...
Post # 7
i care less on what title i get.
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Re: i think to much...
Post # 8
do what i do, help those who truly need it or already have put in the effort themselves and avoid the rest, nothing comes easy or for free. The title you get from me is friend, and also the title of wise, but don't let yourself get worked up by ignorance or lack of understanding in others, rather help those who have alreayd gotten past that point. just my two cents worth.
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Re: i think to much...
Post # 9
kao you have been there for me... and i really can't give you anything back until something happens. but this is what i think.
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Re: i think to much...
Post # 10
You know i ask nothing from none except for them to be free in all ways ;)
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