Omens of death?

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Omens of death?
Post # 1
Recently someone in my (distant) family has fallen ill, and I’m concerned on whether or not they may die. I’ve done a tarot reading, which said that they would recover, but I’ve also noticed a bunch of more classic omens of death within the past day, which is unusual. I’m not sure which to pay attention to.

P.S. I’m not looking for a “very Practiced mage” to contact me through mail with little more than an untrustworthy email address. The medics are doing all they can for the meanwhile, and I can handle any spiritual aspects of the situation. I’m just looking for personal opinion on how to interpret this,
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Re: Omens of death?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
I would propose that it means there is a choice in the matter, and it may be dependant on if your relative feels ready to let go and move forward, or if he/she still feels a pull to remain. Though this choice might also not be so much a conscious one as an evaluation of his/her higher Self.

There might come a tipping point in the issue for your relative. Perhaps a near-death moment where both results will be present at once, and as to which one manifests it is up to your relative.

Other food for thought; death doesn't always mean dying. It means a deep change rooted in letting go/leaving behing something old in order to bring in something new. It could be a literal transition of life, or a teansition of dropping a toxic habit for a healthier one that then leads to healing. Which also ties in with the example of choice from earlier. Continue the current path and possibly transition to a new life, or let go of the path in some way, let the old trail die, and transition to a new one that bypasses the potential death.

Mind you I do tend to look at most things in a light of choice, potentials, and new-age Karma. So that tends to heavily color situations like this one.
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