Blocking Unwanted Energy

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Blocking Unwanted Energy
Post # 1
So I'm a clairsentient/ empath and I've noticed my abilities are getting stronger. I'm also having "growing pains" by sensing more and being more emotional. I don't know if this is the appropriate thread, but I want to know how I can permanently block out my former college best friend's emotions/energy so that way I don't feel.
Whether it be any spells/tips. Anything. Sometimes I sense her emotions and today I felt like crying.
All I can say is there was a lot of pain ending this friendship when I cut her off months ago.
Shielding myself only works temporarily.
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Re: Blocking Unwanted Energy
By: / Beginner
Post # 2
Have you looked into shielding techniques? In my opinion its very important for empaths to know how to shield themselves from other peoples energy if they need to. I highly recommend doing some study into the subject if haven't already, its very helpful.
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Re: Blocking Unwanted Energy
Post # 3

If shielding only works temporarily then I can think of other ways. Not all good, so I'll only mention the good choices.

First, your shields/wards are failing for a reason. It could be as simple as you forget it after a few hours and it falls apart. Or the emotions/energy are just too much for you to hold back. As an empath, your instincts are likely to do the opposite of shielding and thus one can expect your shields to come down sooner or later.

Second, onto other methods of blocking your former friend. You could attempt to sever the connection. Envision a thread connecting you and them upon which their emotions/energy is flowing into you. and then cut it. Burn the thread so that nothing can travel it.

Another method is a redirection of the flow. If you cannot stop the flow to you then either find a way to channel it through you to somewhere/someone else without "feeling" it or to have it not enter you at all but go off to somewhere else.

Those two things might work for you, or they might not. Shielding is the most effective method for most empaths. As I said above, your shields could work with a little more practice/focus. You said it yourself that your abilities are getting stronger, so perhaps you might be able to implement shielding capable of blocking them with a little more time.

There is no doubt several types of spells that might work as well. But as my practice doesn't rely on the more ritualized spells most will describe I lack the knowledge to assist you in that area.

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Re: Blocking Unwanted Energy
Post # 4

Perhaps meditation and visualization to what you want your shield looks like and what you want to block out. I have constructed a spike looking shield because of people and psychic vampyres. Another good way is to ground the energy into the ground if it is too much for you and don't know what to do with the extra energy. I've been also using black tourmaline not only helps block EMFs but does the filtering of others energy around me doing all the work on its own.

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Re: Blocking Unwanted Energy
By: / Novice
Post # 5
Sometimes the matter is as straightforward as working on developing a stronger sense of Self, and personal awareness. The more you can recognize when you are being influenced by the emotions of others, the more you can consciously separate yourself from their effects.

Work to tecognize how you can be aware of the emotions of others, recognize they are present, but not feel them as if they were your own. It isn't always an easy thing to do, especoally with strong emotions. And doubly so if you are also a sympathetic/caring person. It is actually a natural response for normal people to share in the emotions of others. Especially people they care about. When people become aware that another individual is suffering, they experience it vicariously and share the emotions through their own past experiences.

The difference in an empath is that the individual is much more aware of the subtle cues (social cues/behaviors, body language, tone of voice) and even energies of others. To the point where you don't need to be consciously aware of the situation for it to have an effect.

The biggest long-term thing you can do for yourself is to form a distinction between recognizing the emotions of others, and sharing in the emotions of others. This will go a long ways in helping set boundaries for yourself.

It might help to remind yourself that you are not responsible for the emotions of others. When people you care about feel hurt or sad, you can be sad with them as an act of healing. But you are not responsible for fixing them either. Point of fact, you wouldn't even be able to. People can only heal themselves. And even then only so long as they actively -want- to heal. All you can do is make your support available to make the process easier for them. Offer advice if you have it, be a friendly ear to let them vent (without making it yours), and otherwise try to create an environment they feel safe in to let out the hurt so it can heal. But let the rest be up to them.

I guess, long story short, work to put your empathy into its place as a tool. Use it to be aware but let go of the need to internalize what you become aware of. Regain your sense of choice in the matter.
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