April 30th significance?

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April 30th significance?
Post # 1
I was curious as to any information I could get regarding the significance of April 30th, as I have heard it has special meaning surrounding the date. Walpurgisnacht, Beltane, or even in Satanism? It's my birthday, and I've had people tell me that there's meaning behind the date, but never told me what exactly.
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Re: April 30th significance?
Post # 2
April 30th in parts of Germany as Hexennacht, when witches would gather on a mountain to do witchcraft and worship the Devil. Walpurgisnacht was kind of the counter to that,a feast day for Saint Walpurga who the people prayed to to protect them from witchcraft.

It's also the day before Beltane (May 1st), which is a Pagan fire festival. It's also considered to be a time of the year when the veil between worlds thins and the dead can return, the other more obvious day for this being Samhain which is 6 months after.
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Re: April 30th significance?
Post # 3
Thank you for your reply. I've never heard of Hexennacht, I'll have to read up about it.
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Re: April 30th significance?
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4

Beltane was originally one of the great fire festivals of the ancient Celts; although we do not know exactly what they celebrated on that date as they had no written language and thus left us no records of it. We do know that the Celtic celebrations always began at midnight, so Beltane would have run from midnight on April 30 to midnight on May 1.

Over the centuries Beltane continued to be celebrated in the British Isles as an important folk festival.

In the last 60 years Beltane came again to be celebrated by modern Pagans, in particular Wiccans and Druids, as a fire festival. It is considered one of the Great Sabbats, along with Lughnassad, Samhain, and Imbolc. To Wiccans, Beltane represents the marriage of the Horned God and the Moon Goddess and that from this union the Young God will be reborn at Yule.

There is a great deal of information about Beltane on the website at http://www.witchessabbats.com/site/index.php/the-sabbats/beltane

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Re: April 30th significance?
Post # 5
Thank you for your response!
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