Can anyone please help?

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Can anyone please help?
Post # 1

I wanted to start by introducing myself, Volcanic_E, thank you for adding me!

So, here's the situation:

For many years now, I've been attacked by demons. Multiple sources have suggested these are demonic "attachments". There is compelling evidence which suggests this is the case, maybe 99% sure.

Next....a credible source had informed me years ago, that he was eyewitness to a mutual acquaintance of ours having performed some kind of magick ritual or something to that effect placing a curse/hex/crossed conditions, etc - on me. And quite possibly, at least one other individual may likely have done similar to me as well, in a separate, unrelated possible incident. The "possible second unrelated incident" is a very long story, but it is mostly intuition-based, the person has demonstrated to me, both some knowledge of Satanism, as well as an intense, visceral hatred for me (which unfortunately, (this hatred) is baseless, unfounded, and was brought about by lies upon lies and brainwashing to this individual about me.....(the joys of divorce). Either way, the evidence of some kind of evil, malevolent, ill-intended magick of some sort being used against me is nearly undeniable; in light of all that has been and still is happening to me, it leaves me with little doubt (like 99.999% sure this is indeed the case, at least one of them anyways). I could absolutely believe that the first individual I mentioned, is either in part or wholly behind this. He is an extremely, incredibly sick, sick disgusting individual, and I would not for even a second have any doubt whatsoever he did in fact do something like this to me. Again, a "credible" eyewitness claims they actually saw him perform a ritual or ceremony, cursory in nature, against me. The second individual( separate and unrelated) in question......well, at this point it is only 'in question', speculation based off of powerful, deep-seated 'intuition', some demonstrated knowledge of Satanism, and a whole lot of "false motive/false justification". Again, this person wrongfully has this intense, bitter, visceral hatred for me, because he has been lied to, and lied to, and lied to - and irreparably brainwashed about me. I have little doubt he may have a hand in this too. I have really no doubt that I am cursed/hexed/jinxed, but what the origins/sources of it is more the question - in addition to these two people being the most likely origins, it has also crossed my mind of possible "generational curse/spirit attachments, and.....

Finally, two different people have approached me - one was speculating, the other claiming it to be "fact". The speculator, theorized this all to be "past life bad karma" returning to me in this life. The person claiming my situation to be fact, claims she is 'psychic' ( I have no opinion on the validity of whether she is or not) and stated that I "have at least 16 soul contracts with The Devil", and that that is what all of this is due to. question I'm putting out there is: How does one go about making a factual determination of what exactly the problem/s is?

My life is completely, totally being destroyed in every way, shape, and form. Am being tortured as well, relentlessly and mercilessly. And in my logical estimation, I cannot find any possible solutions or ways to stop all this if I do not at least know what exactly the problem/s are...... Please help.....
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Re: Can anyone please help?
By: / Novice
Post # 2
Well the majority of Satanist don't worship the actual devil, it's more like a scarier atheist, but I'm sure some work with Lucifer [but in my experience the majority who claim to be devil worshippers who call on demons to curse people are lying and want to sound cool] secondly, I don't believe in the devil [most pagans do not, he is a Christian concept. It's like saying 'Santa Claus will give you coal' it's not part of my religion, so it's not scary when threatened with the devil] so if you believe in him I would go to a priest for blessing or even an exorcism if it's that extreme [but that rarely happens. Best to ask him to bless you and your home with holy water]

If you are not Christian and don't wish to include the clergy in this, cleanse your house [sage smudge or sage water, or salt water, or sprinkle salt around, or leave a bowl of salt in the corner of the room for a few days. There are hundreds and hundreds of ways to cleanse. Find the one that's best for you. If you need items, check this sites store, amazon, or any number of witchy supply stores online] the key is to focus and visualize. I would begin by cleansing yourself [a salt bath works. Take a few deep breathes, dunk your head under the water quickly, and visualize all the negative energy be absorbed into the water and you now sparkle and shine with positive energy. Pull the plug and let the negative energy flow away with the water] go in a clockwise motion throughout your house cleansing it [say a chant if you wish, but be sure to visualize the negative tar Like energy vanishing and everything glows and shines with positive energy]

Once you finish hang protection symbols in each room, wear a protection symbol, and be sure to daily ground and shield your energy. [if you own a car hang a protection symbol on the mirror, and if you own a home sprinkle protection salt around the property line. You might also consider planting specific plants around your home. Rosemary and lavender by your front door are most common] depending on how much energy has built up you might consider cleansing and protecting monthly for the near future. Most importantly, don't worry, tell yourself everything is fine and don't worry over a stubbed toe or traffic jam you did something wrong and are cursed. Sometimes dwelling on negative energy can charge negative energy and curse yourself by accident.

Also consider life has ups and downs [sometiems the downs are longer than expected] the past couple years have been a rough patch astralogically speaking [acording to my zodiac 2019 marks the end of a 7 year bad luck streak, and while it hasn't all been garbage, I assure you I've had more heartbreak in the past 7 years than in the previous 23, which included my parents divorce and moving 12 times before graduating school] I would make a vision board or at least post a positive saying somewhere you can read it everyday [i have this picture of a cartoon hedgehog that says 'this hedgehog thinks you're doing a good job, she wants you to keep going' it's silly and makes me laugh, and it works for me. My vision board is by my side of the bed, so I see it every morning, and most of it is Disney quotes] blessings to you.
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Re: Can anyone please help?
By: / Novice
Post # 3
To start off, a lot of good information has already been given, I wouldn't disagree with any of the points or suggestions already made. ...But of course I might try to expand on things a bit if I can manage it.

First and foremost curses, spiritual oppression, 'bad luck', the evil eye, and all that ilk exist under two primary sources of power;

First, The energy and will/intent the invoker instills into the desired outcome- This energy is by nature finite as the one casting the spell can only add energy to it through conscious effort/focus. Most often once the spell is worked people set all, or most, thought about it aside. Only on rare occasions will people deem it necessary to consistently add more energy and effort through repeated castings and/or directed focus. So, basically, once the spell is cast the invoker is almost always hardly involved any more.

Second, the energy the 'victim' contributes to the effects of the spell; When a person believes they are suffering under some external influence the attention, fear, depression, and overall focus they put on the event acts to fuel it. It becomes self-sustaining as the person begins believing that any bad thing that happens is immediately the fault of the 'curse'. Stubbed toe? The curses fault. Girlfriend left? Curses fault. Fired from a Job? Curses fault. It becomes an easy thing to blame, and the more you blame it, the more it feeds your depression and other negative emotions because you make yourself feel powerless and vulnerable.

In an odd way, it can even become a way to excuse personal responsibility for some people. In some cases an individual might constantly call back the curse because it becomes easier to blame that and absolve themselves of their own responsibilities, or to blame an external cause for events that are ultimately consequences of personal actions/choices.

Personal Power, and responsibility, are intrinsically linked. Every time a person says "it's not my fault,' they are telling themselves 'i can't control it." ... and if one can't control something then how are they supposed to change it? when a person starts to believe they have no choices, they become living victims who lose the ability to make change. Change only happens when a person chooses it.

So, how can a person break out of this cycle, once it has been firmly entrenched? ...I find the key is to work to retake your personal power. Starting by retaking your responsibility over yourself. If you have kept journals, review them. If not, do your best to recollect these myriad events you have encountered, one by one, in as much detail as you can, while also working to see the details from a less emotional point of view. Get clinical about it.

Start with the specific event. Reflect on what happened. Then consider what actions, attitudes, and other personal choices you may have made that created the event. By way of one of the previous examples; Did you stub your tow because the box you tripped over had been laying out for days and you never got around to putting it away like you should have? Or were you being inattentive to your surroundings? Or maybe just simply tired from a habit of being up too late? Or maybe you were angry from a bad day and kicked it deliberately, thinking it would just fly away? Ask questions of yourself. Seek to understand the parts you have played in each negative event. Small or large. These things are what you have the power to learn from and change for next time. Be it a matter of being conscious of your surroundings, to being aware of your own attitudes and choices, and their consequences so you can learn to choose differently.

The more you take charge of yourself, the more that personal power becomes a measure of authority that then gives you the ability to deny outside forces their impact. The long game is to make your choices yours again by taking responsibility and using it to develop the personal authority that will allow you to effect change.

...Of course, this is more of the overall journey rather than an immediate solution. This is the stuff that personal growth comes from. So results are gradual and subtle, and usually a lifetime in developing.

In the meantime, the more tangible advice and actions you have been told about are all very good to do. The overall objective is to build up an environment of positive and clean energies within your home and ultimately yourself. Think of the energy of your home like a container under pressure. When negative energy exists, that is a negative pressure. So things want to come in to fill the void any time you 'open the door'. It sucks in whatever is sent your way.

Creating positivity is like creating pressure. It builds up in the environment so that when that same door opens, the energy pushes out like wind from a pressurized building. It carries away anything trying to get in that is of a lower pressure. the more ways you can foster an emotionally positive environment the better. Happy slogans and thoughts can be stuck up on walls. perhaps personally significant icons or symbols (especially over doorways and other thresholds). Dream-catchers in the bedroom. Daily or semi-daily meditations while using bells or singing bowls where you can contemplate on the sound. Listening to music that gives you energy and invigorates you while you perform household tasks. cleaning and/or organizing the rooms of your home. and any other activity that you feel you can do in a mindful and attentive way to relate it to the removal and banishment of negative or self-depreciating attitudes and energies.

Over time, steady and mindful action will change the environment along with your own habits and you will suddenly find, one day, you have the authority yourself to send away (or even summarily ignore and dismiss) the negativity these persons might be trying to send your way without hardly a moment of effort.
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Re: Can anyone please help?
Post # 4
Thank you, I will give it all a shot. I'm really sorry to hear about your misfortunes, and bad luck, and so forth - are things beginning to improve for you?
This has not been mere bad luck, which everyone encounters from time to time - this has been 23+ years, steadily escalating more and more daily. It is like I'm "stuck" cannot move forward or progress in life, no matter what I do. I've always understood bad luck, misfortune, adversities, etc to be an inevitable part of life which comes and goes, except that, it is not going away. Or if something does 'go' it is quickly replaced by another problem. I'm finding most, if not all these probs to be impassible and impossible - you name it.

And the demonic 'attacks'......As well as one extraterrestrial encounter of the 5th kind, occurred nearby Area 51, in Death Valley NP.
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Re: Can anyone please help?
Post # 5
In regards to Salt in specific. I layered Salt all over my house and in the windows and the most troublesome spirits seemed to pester me more. Is there something stronger to add into it?
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Re: Can anyone please help?
Post # 6
Thank you for your time and help, and suggestions too! Only a relatively small amount of any of it would be results/consequences of my actions/inactions, being as objective as possible. If anyone were able to see for themselves here, they would find themselves in a mind-blowing state of shock at what has been taking place
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Re: Can anyone please help?
Post # 7
Thank you for your time and help, and suggestions too! Only a relatively small amount of any of it would be results/consequences of my actions/inactions, being as objective as possible. If anyone were able to see for themselves here, they would find themselves in a mind-blowing state of shock at what has been taking place
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